The range of crops protected by Peracrop Max include:

Dried, Table and Wine
Grey mould / Bunch Rot
(Botrytis cinerea)
Downy Mildew
(Plasmopara spp)
Powdery Mildew
(Uncinula spp)
Witholding period:
Do not apply later than 1 day before harvest
Dilute Spraying
1L per 100L water
Critical comments:
This product may be used for the suppression of bunch rot in periods close to harvest (when the use of other fungicides may not be permitted for export wines).
Apply at the first signs of disease and repeat as necessary. Use shorter retreatment intervals on heavy infestations. Direct spray toward the bunches.
Apply by dilute spraying equipment.
Follow a complete disease management program for bunch rot by rotating with other fungicides (registered for this use) from unrelated chemical groups.

Brassica Vegetables
Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Cabbage
Downy Mildew
(Peronospora spp)
White Blister
(Albugo spp)
Witholding period:
Do not apply later than 1 day before harvest
Dilute Spraying
1L per 100L water
Critical comments:
Applications of PeraCrop Max Fungicide should be made using a 1:100 rate for two consecutive sprays at 5 to 7 day intervals.
Use shorter retreatment intervals on heavy infestations.
Use no more than 4 sprays of PeraCrop Max Fungicide should be used per crop.
PeraCrop Max Fungicide should be used in a ‘disease management strategy’, with applications made to maintain low disease pressure.

Fruiting Vegetables
Tomatoes, Eggplant, Peppers
Powdery Mildew
(Sphaerotheca spp)
Witholding period:
Do not apply later than 1 day before harvest
Dilute Spraying
1L per 100L water
Critical comments:
Applications of PeraCrop Max Fungicide should be made using a 1:100 rate for two consecutive sprays at 5 to 7 day intervals.
Use shorter retreatment intervals on heavy infestations.
Use no more than 4 sprays of PeraCrop Max Fungicide should be used per crop.
PeraCrop Max Fungicide should be used in a ‘disease management strategy’, with applications made to maintain low disease pressure.

Cucurbit Vegetables
Cucumber, Melons, Pumpkins, Squash, Zucchini
Powdery Mildew
(Sphaerotheca spp)
Witholding period:
Do not apply later than 1 day before harvest
Dilute Spraying
1L per 100L water
Critical comments:
Applications of PeraCrop Max Fungicide should be made using a 1:100 rate for two consecutive sprays at 5 to 7 day intervals.
Use shorter retreatment intervals on heavy infestations.
Use no more than 4 sprays of PeraCrop Max Fungicide should be used per crop.
PeraCrop Max Fungicide should be used in a ‘disease management strategy’, with applications made to maintain low disease pressure.

Cercospora Leaf Spot
(Cercospora spp)
Witholding period:
Do not apply later than 1 day before harvest
Dilute Spraying
1L per 100L water
Critical comments:
Applications of PeraCrop Max Fungicide should be made using a 1:100 rate for two consecutive sprays at 5 to 7 day intervals.
Use shorter retreatment intervals on heavy infestations.
Use no more than 4 sprays of PeraCrop Max Fungicide should be used per crop.
PeraCrop Max Fungicide should be used in a ‘disease management strategy’, with applications made to maintain low disease pressure.

Allium Vegetables
Garlic, Leeks, Onions, Shallots, Spring Onions
Neck & Bulb Rot
(Botrytis spp)
Downy Mildew
(Peronospora spp)
Witholding period:
Do not apply later than 1 day before harvest
Dilute Spraying
1L per 100L water
Critical comments:
Applications of PeraCrop Max Fungicide should be made using a 1:100 rate for two consecutive sprays at 5 to 7 day intervals.
Use shorter retreatment intervals on heavy infestations.
Use no more than 4 sprays of PeraCrop Max Fungicide should be used per crop.
PeraCrop Max Fungicide should be used in a ‘disease management strategy’, with applications made to maintain low disease pressure.

Potatoes (Seed)
Powdery Scab
(Spongospora subterranean)
Rhizoctonia Rot
(Black scurf)
(Rhizoctonia solani)
Witholding period:
Do not apply later than 1 day before harvest
Dilute Spraying
1L per 100L water
Critical comments:
Apply PeraCrop Max Fungicide to the seed potato at or prior to planting. Ensure even distribution over the seed.
DO NOT apply PeraCrop Max Fungicide to seed if conditions or seed quality favour bacterial rots as these diseases may be aggravated if seed comes into contact with any additional moisture.
DO NOT apply PeraCrop Max Fungicide to seed at planting in hot, sandy soils as bacterial rots may be aggravated.
DO NOT apply PeraCrop Max Fungicide to seed prior to cool storage. Seed being removed from cool storage should be properly warmed prior to PeraCrop Max Fungicide being applied.